
With support from GreenTech Solutions Group, Jarrett Bay Boatworks worked with state and federal programs to achieved 59% reduction in emissions and 64% annual reduction in operational cost for their multiple facilities totaling over 125,000 square feet. Jarrett Bay’s management team began their energy consumption overhaul by receiving an assessment sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy Advanced Manufacturing program and conducted by NC State University’s Industrial Assessment Center’s Director and his team of graduate students.

With NCSU’s initial assessment and proposal in hand, Jarrett Bay consulted with GreenTech Solutions due to their specialty in applying cutting-edge technologies that improve the work environment while reducing energy expenses. NCSU’s recommendation of replacing the 375W metal halide fixtures with T5s and T8s was taken one step further by GreenTech by encouraging replacements with Philips LED lighting.  GreenTech was able to deliver a solution that provides a safer and more luminous workplace for the nearly 200 Jarrett Bay employees in Beaufort, NC. In addition, the company enjoyed generous energy savings while shrinking its carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide emissions.

A project of this scale is typically cost-prohibitive, however, due to GreenTech’s recommendations, the realized annual energy savings, in conjunction with a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) grant, plus a partnership with the Carteret-Craven Electrical Cooperative in the form of a rebate, Jarrett Bay was able to achieve a payback for the complete project in roughly three years.

Jarrett Bay Boatworks was last modified: January 30th, 2017 by Danielle Fryer